stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
Following Links to JWT
by konceptual99 injust a wee warning on following links to jwtalk (jwt).
if you are a member there then it is very easy for the mods to identify if you have come in from this site.
they will then ban you.. so, if you are member here and trying to lurk there then don't click on any links to jwt, just copy and paste the link into a new browser tab..
stan livedeath
i just connected to it--jw talk----& was able to view one page of the forum. i just got the impression some of them were just taking the piss. -
Following Links to JWT
by konceptual99 injust a wee warning on following links to jwtalk (jwt).
if you are a member there then it is very easy for the mods to identify if you have come in from this site.
they will then ban you.. so, if you are member here and trying to lurk there then don't click on any links to jwt, just copy and paste the link into a new browser tab..
stan livedeath
when i first looked at jwn--5 years ago--i thought it was an official wts site -
Proof that the lingiusts are lying about words used in the bible IE: Shaddai, Angels, Elohim, Yhwh?
by Crazyguy inin 1967 an archeologist found at tell el-deir alla an inscription that they called the book of balaam son of beor.
this looks to be about the same balaam that's talked about in the bible book of numbers.
remember the guy where his donkey is talking to him.
stan livedeath
the goddess shagar
hmmm--that got my attention.
New £500 000 Kindgom hall in Chelmsford
by Aleph in
stan livedeath
the Chelmsford Kingdom Basement of jehovahs witnesses. -
No longer wanting to attend meetings
by breezy inhello everyone.. first post here.
long time follower of this website, probably 4 years now.
i've known about ttatt since ive been 18, im now 22 going on 23 but still go to meetings because of parents.
stan livedeath
hello Breezy--and welcome to the site.
i too had enough by the time i was 23. but i was married then--to a born in. had been a pioneer and a servant--gave pulbic talks both home and away.
anyway--youve got the rest of your life to look forward to--make the most if it--i did !
oh--by the way--i'm 67 now lol.
Just read this on JW Talk......
by WHATSGOINGON injust saw this on the public area of jwtalk (i am not a member).
here is the link..
such a shame - i do feel for these ones - i just don't know what to say.... wgo.
stan livedeath
it'll all be ok--Armageddon will be here any day soon.
oh--i forgot to add--a day to jehovah is a 1000 years.
UPDATE on moving in with 4 guys
by Terry inliving with 4 other guys.
"good morning, richard!
richard is almost never in the house.
stan livedeath
hey terry--i hope i look as fit as you do when i'm 68.
a bit too late i think--i'm 68 in february.
It takes a village
by oppostate inhad to share.
kudos to the photoshop artist!
well done and very, ehem, insightful : - ))).
stan livedeath
brilliant--just had to steal -
stan livedeath
ive been out 40 years now--and only got involved with the ex jw online scene 5 years ago.
i got C of C as everyone was on about it.
TBH--i found it hard going to start with--a lot of pages of watchtower print--which my eyes wont even focus on. so--i started in the middle--and quickly found i couldnt put it down.
ive no doubt that Ray's book has helped many break free from the watchtower prison---and would recommend anyone give it a go.
No 'Tight Pants' policy is now official - classed as 'disturbing'
by wizzstick inin short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
stan livedeath
or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry
right--got that. --so--what's to stop a dub going out door knocking regardless---just that the time dont get counted. some punishment lol